Tomato and avocado salad with home-made horseradish sauce

If you ask me what my go-to recipe is, this would be it! For the most part I am happy munching on fruit, but once a day I get a salty/spicy craving, and I can eat this meal every day and not get bored of it. The great thing is, it takes just 3 minutes to make, you can change things around in it to suit your taste and the avocado is very filling so you will feel satisfied after just one portion.

Raw tomato and avocado salad by Anya Andreeva, Live Love Raw

Ingredients for this yummy raw salad:

For the salad:

  • 1 large tomato
  • 1/2 avocado
  • Some salad leaves

To garnish:

  • Truffle-flavoured olive oil or just pure olive oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Salt
  • Spices of choice (I personally use a light mix of Bulgarian spices called “sharena sol”)
  • Home-made horseradish sauce (recipe below)


  • Chilli (if you don’t have any horseradish)
  • Any kind of seeds of nuts to sprinkle on top (I like hemp or sunflower seeds)
  • Sprouts of any kind (I like mung beans on this one)

Raw tomato and avocado salad by Anya Andreeva, Live Love Raw

How to make home-made horseradish sauce (the pink stuff in the photo):

This is my favourite bit of the salad, but horseradish roots may be hard to find in some countries, so you can either skip this step entirely or use store bought horse radish.

  • Get a hold of a bunch of horseradish roots (they need to be stored in the fridge) and soak them in cold water overnight.
  • Put them into a food processor, add some lemon to taste and mix it to a paste.
  • You may also add some beetroot or beetroot juice to it to make it go pink, this is purely for aesthetic reasons and will not change the taste.

Please note that home-made horseradish sauce will differ from the store bought kind. First of all it’s way more delicious, but most importantly, it’s not laced in who-knows-what to make the taste stay strong, as it will naturally soften in flavour over time.

How to make the tomato and avocado salad:

  • Peel a tomato if desired and cut it into circles or semi-circles.
  • Peel an avocado and cut it into thin strips.
  • Take a large plate and place down all the tomatoes side by side. Now put some salad leaves on top of the tomatoes, followed by the sliced avocado.
  • Once the base is prepared, just pour some olive oil and apple cider vinegar (not too much of the latter) on top and sprinkle with your favourite spices. Everyone’s taste is different, so use your own judgement of how much of what you would like.
  • As a final step, add some horseradish sauce if you have some and optionally some seeds for a little crunch.


P.S. On the photos above this looks more like a big salad (I was hungry…), usually I do them a little more separate, like in the photo below, so this makes it a great party food too as guests can just take a slice of tomato at a time.

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